Saturday, November 21, 2009


I need some drama/romance/TLC in my life!!!! I have been feeling a bit restless lately. Well, I have been pretty busy at work trying to finish a presentation and luckily on Friday, the presentation went really well.. Good feedback from the boss and managers who attended the meeting.. Very happy..

Since then, I have been feeling  restless. Not quite sure where the future hold and what direction am I heading to. I have tonnes of things to do this weekend but end up snuggling in bed with a good novel and watching a couple of romantic comedy..  This tends to happen when I am feeling sad, neglected and needed some dramas/romance in my life.

I need to snap out of this mood and start becoming productive again. 1 more week before my parents arrive.. I cannot wait to see them again.

Tuesday, November 17, 2009

My new resolution

I went for a long swim today. There are some sad news at work today. One of my colleague’s mum was admitted to hospital (lung failure) and another's dad is now in intensive care from serious heart attack. At times like this, I really miss my parents back in KL. I wish I can be there to take care of them as they have done throughout my stay in KL. Makes you wonder about life....We are always chasing good education, successful career, working long hours to earn more money and building network with friends. BUT do we have to step back and think about what is important in life? Surely our family, those closest to us is the most important and we should treasure them while we can. What are a few promotions or salary increases if you do not have anyone to share it with?

Just my thought for the day...Life is much more complicated than that...

Anyway I have decided to embark on a new journey of self discovery. The first is to understand my own strength, rather my ability to say no to temptation. I am going to try to embark on a diet to lose 5kg. Mind you I have been saying that for the last 10 years but I am still at the same weight. Hopefully this time I can do it. I need to for myself, to find the lost motivated me. I will start with eating more vege, less rice, less meat and more swimming. Anyone with good diet strategy do drop me a line. Good luck to me

Monday, November 16, 2009

The start of the journey

This is the start of my journey. A journey to discover myself. I have been floating around hoping to reach my dream island without really knowing what is my dream island....

Have you ever wonder what the future hold? I always thought I knew what I want... to be a successful career woman. An independant woman with adequate resources to lead a comfortable life and provide for my family. There was never a shadow of doubt in my mind that I will be able to achieve my dream future..

Now, almost 10 years on, I realised I have not achieve my dream future. Further, I am not sure if I want to.. Does people really change? Is it possible that I have change?

I have no idea.. but this is my journey.. A journey back to time, a journey to the future, a journey to discover my life. I want to find the sparks of motivation that wake me up every morning, produce a smile from my face and the last thing I thought of when I sleep at night.

Is it possible to be 15 again and dream?